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Rio Grande Valley, Texas

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February 2006


If we weren't eating out, someone was cooking.  The Louisiana crowd cooked gumbo and all the trimmings one night and another night we went to Granny's cafe to try out their Huge Burger.  Even Terry took her turn at cooking for a group.

Click on each thumbnail to see larger picture.

We made a couple of trips to Pepe's on the Rio Grande River for food and drinks and dancing and fun.  On our first trip we just happened to run into Navy friends Bill & Pat from a tour in Washington, D.C.  What a small world!  The Mardi Gras party on our next trip there was a whopping success.  Four of the couples at our table from true Cajuns from Louisiana.  And we ran into another couple, Sandy & Frankie, from Lake Pointe, our home RV park at Canyon Lake near San Antonio who  also were celebrating an anniversary (42nd) in February.

A trip to the beach at South Padre Island turned out to be a real adventure.  We drove up along the beach at high tide thinking we could exit further up the beach.  Turns out that we could not, so we had to turn around and go back about 4 miles.  By then the water was very high and the sand was very soft and very deep.  We got very stuck, but luckily found someone to tow us out.