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Rio Grande Valley, Texas

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February 2006


One big reason for spending February in the Rio Grande Valley was to see a dentist in Mexico.  For the all the years we lived in Corpus Christi, it didn't occur to us to even check it out.  Many of our RV friends visit Mexican dentists at several places along the border, near Yuma, El Paso, and Progresso.  Charlie & Della took us under their wing and showed us the ropes.  For the U.S. price of fixing two broken teeth (a root canal in one), Gerry had a root canal, two teeth pulled, a 4-tooth porcelain bridge, a 3-tooth porcelain bridge, a 6-tooth porcelain bridge put in and his front two teeth capped.  He now has a mouthful of teeth to get used to and he has a wonderful smile!  We were quite impressed with the dentist, the cleanliness and of course, the price!  If you want a recommendation, just let us know.

We met more than just a few people during our stay - thanks to Charlie & Della.  Della's cousin Dottie and her Cajun husband, Ivan were our neighbors and an assortment of their friends and family came and stayed awhile.  Frequent visitors to the area, they all know their way around and were happy to show us their favorite spots. 

Click on each thumbnail to see larger picture.

Obviously, many of the favorite places were restaurants, including Chinese, Mexican, and an anniversary dinner at the Olive Garden.  Usually it is just the two of celebrating our anniversary, but this time we had a crowd.

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