Family - Visiting Mike & Lisa
Christmas in California with Mike, Lisa, Jillian, and Jeremy is always exciting for us. We love just hanging out with them and following them through their busy days. This trip was especially nice because the kids were out of school and Mike was slowing down just a bit. The kids are barely one half inch shy of being as tall as their Grandmother! Computers rule! Everybody has at least one, so Grandma fit right in. This is the first time in more than a year or two that she brought it along. She only brought it along this time so Mike could help her with the cover design for her book. She always learns a lot of other little things when she has a chance to watch him in action on his computer. We had an interesting visit with Mark Wilson, Magician Extraordinare, and his lovely wife Nani. Jeremy had learned some great tricks and now has a wonderful book with over 1,000 tricks. We left for several days to drive up to Lodi and brought snow back with us when we came. The kids had never seen snow in Santa Clarita. It stuck for a while, but was gone the next morning.