August 2009


We took a day trip to Universal Studies with Mike and Jillian and Jeremy.  Lisa was tied up during the day at a seminar.  We met the group from France there, Lisa's sister Jennifer, Bruno, Emily, Matt, Luc, and Helen.  We had not been there since our kids were the ages of Jillian and Jeremy.  Lots had changed, but there were still a few familiar things, like the shark from Jaws!
Click on each thumbnail to see larger picture

Although we parked the RV at an RV resort about fifteen miles away, we managed to spend some quality time with the family.  Gerry's nephew Robert drove up for a day and he and Mike got to compare notes.  We just enjoyed being a part of their lives for a short while - and active lives they are.  The back yard now includes a pond that houses the family's three turtles.  So, when a friend down the street found a huge turtle just meandering down the sidewalk, she called Lisa for advice.  The tortoise, Mr. Turtle, managed to sneak away from his abode and his family posted a flyer in the neighborhood.  Mr. Turtle had been in the family for sixty years.  He was as friendly as can be.  Terry even got to go with her girls to a Stampin' Up party at the neighbor's.  We also tagged along to a family swim party for Jeremy's Ekata class.