2008 Trip Route

Last updated 12/02/2008
Our 2008 trip took us to a Rally in Georgia, then down the west coast of Florida and up the east side.  Then we headed up to Gaffney, South Carolina where we had the RV serviced, and then on into Tennessee.  The trip to the Maritimes was put on hold for this year.  Instead we went  to the MILWIT Central Rally in Illinois in June and then to the MILWIT National and Winnebago Grand National Rally in Forest City, Iowa, in July.   We spent Terry's birthday with Vicki & Jim, then met Bill & Sue in Clarksville, Missouri before returning to Scott AFB near St. Louis.  From there we headed for Ohio, first to Columbus, then Mansfield, then Malta/McConnelsville, and finally into Virginia for the Winnebago Virginia State Rally and visits with friends from one end of Virginia to the other.  After watching Vicki run the Marine Corps Marathon, we headed back to Texas.

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