The MILWIT Central Rally was held in
Chatham in June. When we pulled into our site, a lady across from
us saw our Texas tags and asked where in Texas we were from. When
I said, "Corpus Christi," she got excited and said, "I lived there for
14 years!" So I asked her where and she said, "Flour Bluff."
That's where the Naval Air Station is and it is also where the property
we stay on is located. So then we asked each other a few more
questions, and it just got better and better. Not only do we
know some of the same people, they are VERY good friends of both of us.
What a small world! The next day we were chatting and I asked
Gerrie where she lived in Flour Bluff. When she told me the street
name, I couldn't believe it. Our long-time dear friends Joe &
Dolores owned a house on that street for years. Turns out Joe &
Dolores were their realtors when they bought their house there.
About twenty coaches were at this rally.
Having a smaller group means you get to know the folks a little better,
and that makes it nice. Another couple we met, Bob & Diane, are
both retired military and live in the area. They ride recumbent
bicycles all over trikes, actually! We enjoyed getting to know them as
well as several others we had not met before. Chatham is next to
Springfield, and is boasts many things related to Lincoln, his home, his
office, his museum and presidential library, as well as his tomb.
We visited them all. And as you can tell from photos, we enjoyed
lots of good meals together!
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