Jacksonville, Florida


May 2007


The down side of doing the website is that everybody knows where you've been and when.  This makes the second time we have missed seeing some friends here, along with a cousin or two.  We might have just skipped mentioning it, but we did see Karen and meet her daughter Haley (with whom she was pregnant when we were last here).  Since we had visited with Neal & Sue in Louisiana, Karen knew when we were coming.  Terry is not sure when or how she messed up her knee, but it really put a damper on our stay in Jacksonville.  So please accept our apologies for not being sociable on our trip through this time.  Gerry managed to get out on the golf course and met an interesting character there.  We also headed out early in order to get the RV in for its first service work in Gafney, South Carolina at the Freightliner Factory.
Click on each thumbnail to see larger picture.