Corpus Christi, Texas


November 2005


Corpus Christi has been home to us for far longer than any other place we have lived.  It feels like home when we get back.  Luckily, we have many friends here who have been our family through the years.  David had our spot mowed and ready for the RV.  It is nice to see the changes a year has made and also nice to see that some things do not change.  The sad part about coming back this time was that Dusty, one of the big Clydesdales is gone.  Keith and Ethan, the two 7-month old Clydesdales babies, are settled in and J.P., the other Big Clydesdale has welcomed them.  Although they look young and act young, they are about the size of a regular horse and will continue to grow.   Trump, the Great Pyrenees, still has the old white goose as his companion.  And the goose still tries to keep everyone away from her (his?) dog.

Click on each thumbnail to see larger picture.

Linda and George came by to meet the new Clydesdales and to see J.P. again.