We expected to be long past Calgary
by the time of the Stampede. Because we did not make advance reservations,
we feared that we would be out of luck. But we found a very nice
campground in nearby Cochrane. We actually spent two full days at the
Stampede. One day we went in for the Heavy Horse Show (Clydesdales,
Shires, Belguim, etc.). Wendee Cristanti, who heads up the Canadian Clyde
Ride, told us about a family in Cranbrook who raise Clydesdales. They were
showing their horses that day and we got to meet them. Another day we went
to the Rodeo and attended many other events that are included for the price of
the ticket - Heavy Horse Pull, Trick Riding, Chuckwagon Races, etc.
Another day we spent with one more cousin that we met for the first time.
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