Tribute Series

Vintage Verse

Poetry by James Ball Naylor

edited and annotated by Theresa Marie Flaherty

Vintage Verse  is a one of a kind collection of verse put together by Naylor’s daughter, Lucile Naylor. Many are as apropos today as when they were written. It is a tribute volume to her father of poems she copied from old family scrapbooks in an effort to preserve some of those poems not included in any of his other published volumes. Theresa Marie Flaherty, editor of this volume, has added a special selection of some of her favorite Naylor’s poems.

Ralph Marlowe

1901 Best Seller by James Ball Naylor

edited and annotated by Theresa Marie Flaherty

Ralph Marlowe, James Ball Naylor's 1901 Best Seller, brought him world-wide acclaim and established him as one of the top authors. He stated that it was partially autobiographical and a story of actual experience. He did not twist or distort history to fit his tale, but has taken real people and told the story of their hopes and fears, their loves and sorrows, in a simple, convincing style that wins from the opening chapter. Ralph Marlowe is a true slice of western American life at the turn of the twentieth century, singularly free of exaggeration. .

A Literary Playground - Short Stories

Short Stories by James Ball Naylor

edited and annotated by Theresa Marie Flaherty

James Ball Naylor practiced the art of story telling by exploring different topics and types of characters as a way to bring his own experiences to life. He used short stories as a literary playground where he learned to follow, and to bend, the rules, and where he discovered his “voice.”

Misadventures of Marjory

Last Novel by James Ball Naylor

edited by Theresa Marie Flaherty

Originally published in 1908, The Misadventures of Marjory is Naylor's eighth and final novel. Marjory Dawes, the main character, is a delightfully controversial and headstrong young woman. Much too pretty for her own good, Marjory brings out the protective instinct in men. One misadventure after another ensues as she meets some very interesting characters and finds romance along the way.

Book Details

Vintage Verse

Ralph Marlowe

A Literary Playground

Short Stories

The Misadventures of Marjory