June 2010

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MILWIT Central Rally, Hutchinson, Kansas

The MILWIT Central was hosted by Don and Lucretia, who are from Hutchinson.  Although there were only eight rigs at the rally, everyone had a great time and enjoyed getting the chance to really visit with everyone.  There were only two couples that we had not met before, and it was great getting to know them.  Bill, our MILWIT President, and his wife Pearl attended and brought goodies for everyone.  Walter, a former president, attended with his wife Shirley.  They were joined for several days by their grandson Tim, who was a wonderful sport.  He played Phase-10 and Farkle (a new dice game that Bob and Diane taught us) with several of us and held his own.

Who would have thought there would be so many great things to do in Hutchinson!!  Besides our morning gatherings for coffee and our afternoon Happy Hours, we had several great things to do as a group.  Yet we had plenty of time to explore on our own.  Yoder is a very small Mennenite community nearby with a few shops and a wonderful restaurant.  The fried chicken brought Gerry back more than once!  We visited the Cosmosphere, part of the Smithsonian Institution Affiliations Program!  We were all amazed at the things they have there.  They house the world's most significant collection of U.S. and Russian space artifacts, including the actual Apollo 13 command module, Liberty Bell 7 Mercury capsule, and a flown Vostok spacecraft.  We were also treated to a movie in the IMAX Dome Theater, the largest and most sophisticated film projection system in the world.  We watched the show, IMAX Hubble.  It showed the astronauts on the space shuttle making repairs to the Hubble telescope.